General Informations


MIMENTO technology center is identified as a reference center for Micro-nano-optics, Micro-nano-acoustics, Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS), MEMS and Micro-Robotics.


Renatech Network

MIMENTO is a member of the “RENATECH” network (French national network for large facilities involved in technological research in the field of micro and nanotechnology). This network is a partnership between five CNRS academic technology centers (LTM (Grenoble), C2N (Orsay / Marcoussis), IEMN (Lille), LAAS (Toulouse), FEMTO-ST (Besançon)) and CEA – LETI (Grenoble). The purpose of this network is to support French research by providing access to fabrication facilities and technology experts for interested research teams. It is also open to regional, national and international industrial partners for research collaboration.


Regionally, the FEMTO-ST Institute is associated with the “Pôle des Microtechniques” (a regional cluster of microtechnology-based companies and research centres) and with the proximity Technological centers of Dijon, Nancy, Strasbourg and Troyes. It is also a partner of The Competencies Centre in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology Grand Est (C'Nano Grand Est).


  A few figures:

  • 865 m2 of cleanroom (ISO 5 to ISO 7 ↔ class 100 to class 10 000)
  • 230 m² of room for other activities (FIB, Dicing / Polishing, Characterization ...)
  • 18 engineers and technicians
  • 17 M€ of high technology equipment
  • 1,3 M€ per year running costs
  • 170 projects running
  • 188 users



What do we offer ?


You can download here the MIMENTO brochure, listing a major part of our equipments.

Download our brochure